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Funniest Dating Service Commercial Ever

This might be one of the funniest videos i have seen in a long time! "Cunty, Is that a word?" When Jon says "Winning," he sounds a LOT like Hugh Laurie.

Hannah Montana Coon Repellent

Hannah Montana Coon Repellent: Here's a new commercial for Hannah Montana perfume for girls!

Suspected Drunk Driver is Definitely Drunk

A suspected drunk driver is pulled over and before he can answer the police officer about whether or not he's drunk, he manages to show him with his driving.

News Laughs at Woman Who Falls in Her Wheelchair

Fox News is keeping is classy as always. Fox News Laughs at Woman Who Falls in Her Wheelchair.

Girls Naked In Car Wash

This is no lie, we have two hot gorgeous women on the hood of a car going through the car wash. See for yourself. This shit is crazy.

Epic Dock Jumping Fail

Dock jumping goes a lot better when you don't slip when you try to jump, but it's just as funny to watch either way.

Best Fails Of The Week 2 July 2012

Aahhh.... The quiet relaxation of fishing off the pier just before a GIANT SHARK JUMPS OUT OF THE WATER AND EATS YOUR FISH!


Catcrobat: Cat + acrobat = catcrobat, plain and simple.

Cat vs. Ham

Cat has no idea what to do when a slice of ham is dropped on it's face.

Busty Celebrity Boobs Comes Out From Dress

Marika Fruscio has a boobs slip on live tv, her boobs comes out and she trying to keep it inside.

X-Games Bike Attack

After Clinton Moore wipes out on his bike, the bike decides to attack him while he's down thanks to an inexperienced staffer at the X Games.

MMA Fail

Nothing says you're the winner of this fight more than losing it all at the very end.

Bootleg Fireworks Go Wrong

This is what happens when you light off bootleg fireworks in your neighborhood. On the plus side, the commentary is perfect and they were able to see a burning bush, so there's that.

High Speed Chase Ends with Swag

After crashing to end a high speed police chase in Southern California, the obviously drunk/drugged driver lets everyone know he has swag.

Drunk Girl Banister Fail

Sliding down a banister is bad for your health.